picture perfect

A weekend of tea parties and sailor boy adventures

Two days ago, I came down with an excruciating headache which may or may not be related to my wisdom teeth extraction. I’m having it checked out later today; let’s hope it’s not an aneurysm.

So I popped some happy pills (relax, they’re just painkillers, not diazepam) and we decided to bring the kids to the park for a tea party. We laid out the mats and put out the tea sets but then they didn’t really like tea so it was more like a fruit salad party instead. It was the perfect way to spend a potentially awful weekend.

In addition to the bunch of plastic fruits, I also brought along some cheese and snacks for them to munch on if they got hungry looking at all the fake food.

After they were done feeding themselves the real food, they pretended to feed each other imaginary treats like chocolate and chips. At first, Tru looked at the empty spoon with some hesitation before deciding to indulge his sister in the game of pretending to eat treats while actually eating dirt from a spoon. To be fair, she mostly jabbed his chin with the spoon so there was minimal dirt eating.

Diligently mixing another concoction of dirt for her brother.

Now I’m bragging here but Truett has grown to be an awesome big brother. He goes along with her bizarre games even when he’s not really into them. He gives in to her more times than I expect him to. He hugs her and pats her on the head as a sign of affection and when she pushes him away, he takes it all in his stride and says “it’s ok, mei mei don’t want hug.”

Some days, I look at them and I can’t help but feel like they turned out alright.

After Tru got bored with the tea party, he decided to look at the ships out in the ocean. My little sailor boy is already dreaming of sailing off into the sunset to search for new adventures and I know that because he got all excited like “Truett wants to sit on the BIGGGG ship.”

Updated: Apparently, the headaches are not wisdom teeth related. Also, it doesn’t look like I’ve got an aneurysm. Doctor says it’s tension headaches caused by stress, sleep deprivation, uncomfortable positions and irregular eating so he was all like “have you had any of the above lately?” And I actually laughed out loud because I can no longer remember a time without any of the above so I said “I have 2 toddlers, that’a practically my life.”

Long story short, I need to relax. Or take more painkillers. Probably the second one.

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  • Reply Tin November 22, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    So lovely… I like the way Tru loves his sister. He is an awesome boy!
    Tin´s last post ..Results 2010

    • Reply Daphne November 23, 2010 at 1:46 pm

      Thanks Tin! I think Tru will be very happy to hear that. =)

  • Reply leslie November 23, 2010 at 12:27 am

    Hihi! Were you guys at the downtown east beach? i actually happened to pass u by (i recognised Tru and Kirsten and then u) but i’m too excited and too shy to intro myself :p i wish i had though! :P looks like u all had a great time :)
    leslie´s last post ..♥ Of cakes and candlelight

    • Reply Daphne November 23, 2010 at 1:45 pm

      Yes! We decided to go to Pasir Ris for a change because East Coast was getting too crowded. It was really quiet there that day, didn’t even notice anyone else around. Oh man, do come and say hi the next time would love to meet you!

  • Reply Cecilia November 23, 2010 at 2:22 pm

    Hi Daphne,

    Ur blog is really interesting. =D Thumbs up!
    The two of them are so cute and look so alike! U r a great mummy, they look so well taken care of!

  • Reply Amie November 23, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    Thatz a fun idea to bring the toy tea sets outdoor for the kids to play pretend! I should do that too with my gals too, maybe with a couple of their soft toy friends! cute little sailor boy there and heartwarming pictures too!
    Amie´s last post ..All of us loved SSO Babies Proms 2010!

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