picture perfect

Bring your own sunshine

My idea of a perfect weekend used to involve sleeping in late, watching movies in bed all day, reading a nice novel and pretty much being a giant slug. When the kids came along, it seemed like such a waste to sloth the weekend away, especially since having the kids around made it impossible to sloth by default. So it made more sense to bring them out and hopefully tire them out with strenuous activities.

Lately, we’ve been joining the rest of Singapore (it seems) at East Coast every Saturday in a bid to get in some exercise and breathe in the salty sea breeze.

In other news, baby girl is becoming increasingly mobile, taking 5 unaided steps here and a couple more steps there. I think she’ll be walking confidently before the month is out, which means it’s time to get her some walking shoes. It’s probably the second kid syndrome, but she pretty much learnt to walk all on her own because I was more relaxed about teaching her how to walk. One day, she just got up, steadied herself and started toddling around the house and we were all like “OMG you’re walking!! Where did you even learn that from?

With National Day coming up next week, we saw a chinook flying past with the Singapore flag, followed by a very impressive helicopter formation. Truett is very much in his vehicle phase and he watched the whole thing with absolute amazement. The adrenaline junkie in him must have started hyperventilating. Something tells me that I may have a pilot on my hands.

I just realized that Tru looks like Dai Yang Tian from that 60’s drama serial where he goes around in that oh-so-fancy white singlet and shorts. That’s totally going to be all the rage next season’s and I hear the tight-fitting singlet range is about to hit the runway.

And that’s all I got for you. Excuse me while I attempt to give my son a side parting, DYT-style.

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  • Reply leslie August 2, 2010 at 10:22 am

    Lovely pics, as usual! :) I’ve always wanted to bring the babes to the beach but the daddy’s like ‘aiyo, wait their feet will be full of sand la!’ yes, it’s the GUY talking!! -_-;

    • Reply Daphne August 3, 2010 at 12:41 pm

      @leslie, hahah – your husband’s a SNAG too? I wonder how he got through NS then..

  • Reply jaime August 2, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    hey! i’ve been hitting the beach a lot these couple of weeks too! Give the kids a couple of sand toys and they can be at it for at least an hr digging away at the sand! *beams*
    jaime´s last post ..What does it take to become a Roger Federer-wannabe

    • Reply Daphne August 3, 2010 at 12:42 pm

      @jaime, Exactly, when we left the place we made it a point to note – beach toys next trip.

      Not sure Kirsten would appreciate an hour in the sand. She wasn’t too pleased at the grime and grains in between her toes.

  • Reply YH August 2, 2010 at 6:26 pm

    My girl also just started walking. A little slow for she is already 16 months old. But it is also the beginning of a more tiring time for me because I got to run after her every where she goes. She refuse to sit on the pram after she learnt how to walk.

    • Reply Daphne August 3, 2010 at 12:43 pm

      @YH, Well, I take it as good exercise. Also, when she starts running Tru and her can chase and entertain each other.

      At least that’s what I hope!

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