kids inc, motherhood, stuff best described as not safe for parents

Please, pretty please, please, please…

Having been a stay-home mom for almost 2 years, I sometimes forget why I wanted to do it so badly in the first place. I mean, you do something long enough and the grass starts to look greener on the other side. I start to think of how nice it would be to dress up and have power lunches (do people still call it that or am I that outdated) with other non-babies. To not have to start work at 10 at night, after a whole day of manual labor.

I know it is a privilege to be able to work from home and take care of the babies at the same time and I’m not complaining.

Well, maybe just a little bit.

Ok, maybe a lot.

But the point is, at times like these, we all just need a little reminder of why we are doing it in the first place.

Everyone, meet my reminder.

So a couple of days ago, I had one of my nights off to attend an event organized by Pat Law from Goodstuph (more on that later), who as I found out, is a former colleague from my short-lived advertising days at Publicis. 6 years later, she’s now a bad-ass social media guru (I think that means she invented the Internet or something, I’m not very sure), and me, I’ve got two babies. Also, I can make a killer aglio olio, which is like the parenting equivalent of inventing the Internet, obviously.

Anyway, I was getting ready to go out when Tru starts to smell a rat because momma never puts on makeup at 630 in the evening, and that means only one thing – a night out without him. My preemptive strike involved explaining that mommy has to go to work. (which at that time sounded far more credible than mommy had to go chill out over mini sandwiches)

Next thing I knew, he flung his body onto my calfs and proceeded to attach himself surgically to my legs while shrieking “NOOOOOOOO, mommy don’t go work! Don’t like mommy to go work, mommy stay home” about 20,000 times. At which point I switched strategy and tried to explain that mommy had to go for an event, because I figured I might as well confuse him with words he doesn’t know, hoping that it would distract him from the issue at hand.

Except that my kid apparently knows what an event is, and he was all like “Not work, mommy go e-ben.” He ponders for a moment, then goes “NOOOOOOOO, mommy don’t go e-ben! Don’t like mommy to go e-ben, mommy stay home.”

When he realizes that it’s not working, he suddenly remembers that he is more likely to get his way when he asks nicely. “Mommy, can stay home please, please, please?Now that always gets me, because 3 pleases is a big deal.

I was close to ditching the event because my little boy needed me to tuck him into bed but the husband told me that I needed a breather and he had everything under control, so I went. I was glad to be out for a while but that night, it all came back to me – the reason why I left my job in the first place. Because if I had to hear that many pleases every morning while I left them with a bunch of strangers and went on my merry way, I would be crying all the way to work every day. And honestly, I wouldn’t have lasted a week.

On retrospect, manual labor and a couple of late nights don’t seem so bad after all.

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  • Reply kei July 14, 2010 at 9:38 pm

    Awww. Hey, I didn’t go out without any kid in tow for 2 whole years after I had Mandy. Unless running out for groceries and being back home within 15min counts!

    Oh, actually I did go out, though less than 5 times. For wedding dinners and I forgot what. Everytime, I would wail on my way to the train station, message other mummies to sob on the way, then finally couldn’t help it and call home (with subsequent SMSes to the hubby throughout the night), and I couldn’t wait to go home. It’s like I was committing something terrible, leaving my girl to weep for me while I was out, supposedly to be having fun.

    It gets better though. Whew.

    And I know it’s a cliche but we SAHMs are a privileged lot. I know you know that. :)
    kei´s last post ..My 29th birthday

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 6:27 pm

      @kei, I really think you should take some guilt-free time off! Leave the kids with someone you trust and just have a good time. trust me – it does wonders!

  • Reply Judith July 15, 2010 at 12:33 am

    Your blog is hilarious:) Am glad that someone else is experiencing the same rollercoaster ride of being an SAHM. I’m surprised you got ready in front of the kids though. I believe in the 3 Step Stealth Maneuver; Step 1: Wipe kid out in pre-dinner playground time, Step 2: Get dressed and apply makeup in dark bedroom while husband distracts kid in hall, Step 3: Quickly switch into hall while husband rugby tackles son ( playfully) into room. Then RUN don’t walk for the door. lol. Works everytime.
    Judith´s last post ..Not that I don’t like my life now

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 6:29 pm

      @Judith, Thanks Judith! and what an AWESOME 3 step maneuver, though I can’t imagine how you can put makeup in a dark bedroom, you must be quite skilful at that. If i were to put on makeup without sufficient lighting I’ll look like some displaced Chinese spirit.

      • Reply Judith July 18, 2010 at 10:52 pm

        lol. I put on only the basic stuff, use the hdb carpark street lamp for lighting, and hope for the best. I just tell people I’m going for the ‘barely made up’ look. No lipstick of course.
        Judith´s last post ..Not that I don’t like my life now

  • Reply Kam July 15, 2010 at 9:51 am

    It’s really enjoyable to read your posts!

    Tru is just so sweet! And yes, agree, 3 “please” is a big thing! Continue to enjoy your life as a SAHM!

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 6:31 pm

      @Kam, thanks, I think he’s going to upgrade it to four “pleases” as those three become less effective.

  • Reply Anonymous July 15, 2010 at 11:11 am

    i’m not a sahm and i usually work till 8pm on average. by the time i get home, it’s abt 9pm.

    i seldom get the maddening protests from my 1-yr-old son when i leave him with my in-laws b4 i go to work or zip off for some me-time. i actually feel a twinge of jealousy when he looks contented, happy even, to be dropped off at his granny’s.

    when he does make a fuss and doesn’t want to let go of me, i feel a sense of joy and relief within. dare i say triump too? its like, yes! there’s still room in his heart for me. i know i shd be thankful he loves his grandma and has no problems being away from his parents for most part of the day. but i can’t help feeling this way cos it shows tt he enjoys time with me so much tt he doesn’t want me to go anywhere.

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 6:33 pm

      @, even till this day Truett is super sticky to my mother! staying over there is a real treat for him. I guess there’s something magnetic about grandparents that kids love. Could be the pampered treatment they get since grandparents don’t really need to enforce the discipline as much I guess?

  • Reply San July 15, 2010 at 1:33 pm

    Too sweet! My J usually screams his way out, and when I tell him to speak nicely, he goes “I want (some over-the-top request) now please mommy please”

    It’s not fair, I tell you. Kids latch on to our weak spot so easily. Haha!
    San´s last post ..Mini housewarming

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 6:39 pm

      @San, agree, kids are way smarter than we give them credit for. We are being exploited!

  • Reply EileenW July 15, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    10-12yrs ago I had the same feeling about being outdated and not as good as the working moms feeling too. Once, I went out with my gf( who was single) and asked her what drink was cool to order and what stance should I make at clubs so I won’t look out of place! LOL! And yea, I’ll settle for same decision again if I had to choose, that is being a SAHM :D
    BTW, your Tru is totally adorable.
    EileenW´s last post ..Teacher vs Russell

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 7:24 pm

      @EileenW, last saturday was my first visit to a club for years, and all I didn’t even bother to look trendy nor cool – I had a glass of coke. Not bourbon coke, just coke. *On the rocks*, if that makes it cooler.

  • Reply Jus July 16, 2010 at 11:44 am

    I was just pondering if I should go back to teaching 200 kids instead of one, when I read your post! Thanks for the reminder. :) Tru is really so sweet sometimes isn’t he? (And happy belated birthday to your little girl!)
    Jus´s last post ..Ive not had the energy to blog these days because

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 7:26 pm

      @Jus, I think its perfectly alright to go back to work, i hope I don’t put parents on a guilt trip with this post. Its about doing what you love and right now I’m enjoying myself, tough as it may be.

  • Reply strawberrymilkmama July 16, 2010 at 11:44 am

    heh he’s cute. what was he doing on the floor? he looks quite happy there :D
    strawberrymilkmama´s last post ..And they say I swear like a sailor

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 7:24 pm

      @strawberrymilkmama, One of the numerous times he decides to feel the ground with his face. I have no idea why he does that. Primal instinct I guess.

  • Reply koinonia July 16, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    well, been back to work for 8 months now, after 14 months as sahm, and quite early on my little girl adjusted well to being with gramps and waved us bye bye at the gate.

    Was glad she adjusted so quickly, and feel blessed that her gramps are happy to help. Am still #1 choice whenever I’m around, possibly due to 20 months of breastfeeding, so am in a happy place overall.

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2010 at 7:28 pm

      @koinonia, Woah you breastfed her up to 20 months? You’re super committed!

      Its great to have gramps to help out, my mum has been in Aus for 2 weeks now so I’m going to offload Tru there for a week once she’s back to catch up.

  • Reply missqoo July 19, 2010 at 10:00 am

    hi hi, i happen to chance upon your blog..your blog is very interesting! I just started to be a SAHM for 1 week…good luck to me!;)

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