coolest kids ever, motherhood

Nobody gets to irritate my brother but me

Siblings are one of those things in life that you have no control over. Like your parents just arbitrarily decided that you’re supposed to share all that attention and love and TOYS (ALL THE TOYS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN ALL YOURS) with some other kid(s) and there’s nothing you can do about it.

It’s the whole issue of proximity, really. For the first 20 or so years of your life, you spend every single day with your siblings. Having to share stuff, having to wait your turn for the bathroom in the morning, having them irritate the living daylights out of you, having to live up to overachieving siblings who feel the need to be valedictorian, head prefect, captain of the swim team and every teacher’s pet.

Also, that idea of having a perfect sibling? It’s like a golden unicorn. Doesn’t exist. You think that cool kid at the playground would make a great sibling but then their siblings would probably tell you how crabby and irritating they can be at home.

So the only way of minimizing conflict between siblings is to minimize contact. If you have siblings who hardly say a word to each other, there would be no chance to fight so problem solved. Except that it’s like getting married and sleeping on separate beds. Ok, that didn’t sound like it did in my head because EWW, getting married is NOT like having siblings at all but you get the point.

But if you ask me, I’m in the camp that says having siblings is so much better than not having any. You have another kid to play with all the time, you have someone to form an alliance with against the evil parents and when you become awkward, angsty teenagers, you can talk about stuff that you would never be comfortable talking about with adults, ie boys/girls (whichever is the opposite of you). Sure, you fight tooth and nail over everything all the time but when if comes to the crunch, you know they got your back.

Which brings me to my point. The kids were out playing with a bunch of other kids and there was this 4-year-old girl who really liked Kirsten so she was fussing over baby girl and sharing her toy with her. Then Tru came along to play with them and she was all like “I don’t like you, I won’t share my toys with you, go away.” I was about to intervene when next thing I knew, Kirsten got up, walked over to Tru and gave him a hug like “it’s ok, I’ll ditch the nasty kid to play with you.” In short, 1. baby girl pwned some brattish kid today and 2. this totally makes the insanity of having both kids back to back so worth it.

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  • Reply shuey August 30, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    I like the minimize contact thingy, but in reality, we can’t, I can hardly find a day which my elder one doesn’t irritate the little. But eventually, they will be good to each other;or at least, their mummy will teach them so.

    • Reply Daphne August 30, 2010 at 10:13 pm

      @shuey, when you say “teach” do you actually mean “force? Haha.

      They say when you give birth to your first kid, you become a parent, when you give birth to your second, you become a judge.

  • Reply koinonia August 30, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    kirsten is so sweet! they are 1+ yrs apart?

    i think yr kids both look more like you yah? kirsten more the splitting image but tru a bit more like you too I feel.

    • Reply Daphne August 30, 2010 at 10:15 pm

      @koinonia, they are 13 months apart, to be exact. :)

      Yeah I seem the have the dominant genes here. I for one think Kirsten looks exactly like me (at her age) and Truett..looks a lot like my sis.

  • Reply Jus August 30, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    Oh my, that was so sweet of your little girl! :) And that photo… Cute! Its calling to be framed up!
    Jus´s last post ..Saturday scrapping- Moving with the times

    • Reply Daphne August 30, 2010 at 10:18 pm

      @Jus, You know she’s been quite easy-going all this while so I was rather surprised she had such a determined reaction to her brother being snubbed. I have to admit, sooo proud of her!

  • Reply Florence a Singapour August 30, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    this is the story of my kids. It’s with or without you everyday! We put them to sleep in the same room recently and their relationship got so much better… but you should see how they scream at each other all the time!
    Florence a Singapour´s last post ..August in Paris is back !

    • Reply Daphne August 30, 2010 at 10:21 pm

      @Florence a Singapour, hi Florence great to see you in the comments here! Yes, I am very acquainted with the screaming matches, they share a room together too. Though there are times when I wake up in the morning to hear them giggling over some nonsensical stuff they are doing with (or to) each other in the room and that feeling is just..magic.

  • Reply Ranna September 1, 2010 at 11:10 pm

    aweee…so touched…I want to stop at 1 but reading your recent entries keep making me change my mind…

    • Reply Daphne September 1, 2010 at 11:43 pm

      YES you should definitely make more babies! I’m starting to think of having another 2 more soon. Not right now for sure but let’s just say there’s a good chance I may do it earlier than originally planned.

      • Reply Ranna September 3, 2010 at 12:32 pm

        haha…does Super daddy has any say? My hub no comment. But I think he will have a breakdown soon if I still can’t make up my mind. One day I will be like…”Not giving that away…saving for #2…” then the next day only…”I am contented with our gal, don’t feel like having one more. Let’s upgrade our Jap car to a continental one…”

        • Reply Daphne September 3, 2010 at 11:31 pm

          Well i guess my latest post says it all, doesn’t it? :)

          I know how you feel, its like we’ve come so far to reach a certain (and relative) level of peace and stability, why in the world would we want to jeopardize that, well..

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