growing up, milestones & musings

Not quite so baby now

Happy Monday, you guys! Today’s post is a little late but it’s not because I was up late last night celebrating a magnificent Manchester United performance, even though the performance was in fact, spectacularly magnifient. By the time the 5th goal was scored, I almost felt sorry for the husband who looked like he was in severe physical pain. And then they went on to smack 3 more glorious goals in after that.

The real reason for the lateness is because we brought the kids out for a post-celebratory/mourning breakfast with the kids and a couple of friends to not talk about soccer.

And as the kids were off running doing their thing, it dawned upon me that my baby girl is well and truly not a baby anymore. She used to be the only one who would stick around wanting to be carried while Truett went off playing with his friends. Today, I was all “Mommy carry, sweetie?” and she looked at me for all of 1 second before shaking her head and sprinting off.

It was much easier to let go of Truett’s babyness maybe because he’s a boy and ever since he was big enough to go off on his own, I’ve always had baby girl’s babyness to hold on to.

The next chance I got, I picked her up and asked “can mommy carry my baby?”

“I’m not a baby, I’m a big girl.”

Today, she categorically un-babied herself. So I get to browse all her old baby pictures and feel wistful about missing my baby.

For the benefit of new readers who haven’t seen much of Kirsten as a baby, here’s a before and after.

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  • Reply Angela August 29, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    They grow up real fast, don’t they? My boy is 14 months and still wants people to hold his hand when he walks. But I think it wouldn’t be long before he starts sprinting off.

    Maybe this is a sign u should go for no.3…heh.

  • Reply Yvonne August 29, 2011 at 4:11 pm

    Awww…she’s so cute! Yeah…so does Allysa. Though she can’t speak yet but she prefers to roam freely around than to be carried now. She is 14 months too and I am enjoying her babyness as long as I can now.

  • Reply kirsten August 29, 2011 at 4:20 pm

    Awwwww… super cute photos!

  • Reply Cecilia August 29, 2011 at 4:28 pm

    It’s like they suddenly grow up in the midst of us being so busy! how i wish the process will be slower…

  • Reply San August 29, 2011 at 4:53 pm

    Awww… big girl? Sob! Too cute…

    (Means it is WAY time for ya to *cough* get #3 ya? All the declining birth rate and all that…)
    San´s last post ..Five months ago…

  • Reply Jayne Lee August 29, 2011 at 5:26 pm

    Sounds like time for nombre Tres!

    Yay! man u kicked the A**es of Arsenal!
    Daphie, I am on the same side as you…!

  • Reply Susan August 30, 2011 at 7:59 am

    Kristen looked so chubby when she’s younger. Sophie has the same dress as Kristen in the before look and now I’m missing those baby days of hers too.
    Susan´s last post ..Shopaholics rejoice with Citi Globeshopper

  • Reply Anya's mom August 30, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    If it is any consolation, she resemble your husband more when she was a baby. Now that she is a little girl, she is like a mini version of you!

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