milestones & musings, seriously somewhat serious, unqualified parenting tips

Make it a year you’ll remember

2010 has been good to us in so many ways. It has also been so tough in so many ways. But I’ve come to learn that as far as the really memorable years go, they’ve got a lot of great moments and the overcoming of monumentally bad ones. And so I’m thankful for both.

This new year, I have a feeling is going to be a really big one. I can just feel it in my bones. Exactly like how I can feel it in my bones when it’s about to rain. It’s like a superpower, although the husband calls it a medical condition. Maybe I’m special that way, I have a feeling about things and I’m usually right 37% of the time, sometimes even less.

I jotted down several resolutions for the new year and you’re welcome to steal them.

1. I will not simply choose the path of least resistance.

Instinctively, I am averse to any sort of pain and hardship. Which is possibly why I managed to not exercise for an entire decade, with the exception of a couple of shopping sprees along Orchard Road. Tragically, all that got me was a 170-pound ass (at my heaviest), which as you can guess, created a hell of a lot more resistance.

This year, I’m going to embrace hardship and pain will be my best friend. Not because I’m mental but because it makes me stronger. What doesn’t kill you usually does.

2. I will not be afraid to fail.

I’ve always been the safe sort of kid, choosing to err on the side of caution rather than playing big and risking it all. I guess you can say that I’m terrified of failure. The good thing is that most of my life choices have been safe – the right schools, the safe subjects, the proper jobs. The bad thing is that there’s always a ceiling for safety. That’s just the rules in this game called life – those that win big have risked big.

3. I will pay for what I want in blood, sweat and tears.

Ok, that’s just a little overdramatic. But truth is, the really good things in life require a price, usually in the form of effort and sacrifice; while the things that come easy usually aren’t worth a lot. To quote my new Master Shifu, “If you want something, you got to fight for it. It doesn’t come for free.” Touche.

4. I will dare to dream. BIG.

Dreams can be worthless or they can be worth everything. Just ask Leo Di Cap. *Cue deadly voice: “I specialize in a very specific type of security…”

Also, a lot depends on whether they come true or not. Only thing is, without dreams in the first place, there won’t be anything to come true. Or to fight for, for that matter.

This year, I’ve got exciting things in the pipeline. Some of them awesome, most of them ridiculous, but all of them pretty exciting. To end with a cliche, the year is going to be as good as you want it to be. I used to think that was nonsense because nobody *wants* a crappy year but here’s a secret. If you’re happy to cruise, there’s not enough wanting. If you really, really want it, you will fight for it with everything you’ve got.

So here’s to a spectacular year, one filled with so much awesomeness you’ll have to beat it off with a large bat to make room for even more.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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  • Reply Linette January 2, 2011 at 1:04 am

    Happy 2011, Daphne! Am sure your year will be as awesome as you anticipated. Looking forward to hearing about all the exciting things in the pipeline! Have a great weekend before work and everything else comes back to us :)
    Linette´s last post ..Taking Stock Of 2010

    • Reply Daphne January 6, 2011 at 9:51 pm

      A little late but Happy 2011 too! Yes, I’ll update you guys along the way.. watch this space.

  • Reply Tin January 2, 2011 at 8:33 am

    Happy 2011 Daphne!
    I like all your resolutions!
    May the new year brings u lots of love, joy, peace and bliss.
    Tin´s last post ..Fireworks

    • Reply Daphne January 6, 2011 at 9:53 pm

      Tin, glad you like them. You can totally use them if you’d like. Although I’d recommend that you hold out on the embracing pain bit. That didn’t work out quite so well with my head injury and all.

  • Reply So this is what a concussion feels like | MOTHER, INC. January 6, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    […] When I said that this year, I was going to embrace pain, this wasn’t what I had in mind. Not quite so literally. I think I’ve hit my pain quota […]

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