
Sleep training: A head banging experience

As far as sleep training is concerned, the kids have been regressing over the past couple of months. For a very brief spell, we had a good thing going – put them down, say goodnight and then walk out.

Then it started with a “I want mommy to stay 5 minutes” and became “Mommy can pat me please” which turned into “Mommy must sit here while I climb around for 2 hours”. For the past couple of months, their routine has evolved to having me sit on a couch in between their beds till they fall asleep.

Granted, it’s fairly nonintrusive. I get to sit there and do my stuff on the laptop. From time to time, I have to say things like “LIE DOWN NOW” and “STOP CLIMBING” and “KNOCKING YOUR HEAD IS NOT FUNNY, JUST STOP IT”.

After struggling for 2 hours to put them to bed without success yesterday, I decided it was time to start their hardcore training program. Which basically involves me leaving the room and holding the door shut from the outside. I was hoping that they would whine a little, then give up and drag their little feet back to bed.

As I stood outside waiting for the sweet, sweet sound of remorseful whining, I heard this instead.

Truett: Ok I tell you what, let’s play toys!


Truett: Mommy will stand outside so we can play toys and later she will come back.

Me: Hey, no I won’t. If you guys don’t lie down, I’m not coming back in.

Truett: Mei mei, listen to me. We just play toys a while then later we sleep.

*The sound of me banging my head against the wall outside their room*

25 minutes later, I’m still standing outside their room. It’s like I’m the one going through the hardcore training program. This is me after 25 minutes of head-banging.

Kirsten: I want mommy, I don’t want to play toys anymore.

Truett: Don’t worry, mommy is just outside. It’s going to be ok.

Kirsten: It’s going to be ok, kor kor. We can play toys.

Kids: 1, Mommy: 0

I clearly need a new strategy.

On to other news, I’m now blogging for Outlet Singapore, the daily deal coupon site. For once, I’m actually going to have a (semi) proper job doing something I love, which is blogging.

Pop by for some drool-worthy reviews, bizarrely awesome facts, insightful interviews, and exciting giveaways that you don’t want to miss.

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  • Reply San June 10, 2011 at 10:07 am

    Lol! It is going to be okay, Mommy. Here’s to the battle to be won, erm, tomorrow? Fingers crosses!
    San´s last post ..Having a playmate

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2011 at 5:35 pm

      Tomorrow? Hahahahha sweet dreams are made of these..

  • Reply Kless June 10, 2011 at 10:12 am

    Yes gambatte! The kids and us – we take turns to win! Hopefully we win more often! :P
    Kless´s last post ..Removing Bogies Should Be Easy As 123! And A Giveaway!

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2011 at 5:37 pm

      Sigh, I think my score if I total them up is something like Kids 1437, Mommy 52. And most of those 52 points came in the first 3 months after they were born!

  • Reply Tin June 10, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    Yah.. sleep problem is always head banging. Sometimes I really feel like popping the kids with sleeping pills … HA! Bear with it, it will soon be over. :)
    Tin´s last post ..Gardening

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2011 at 5:38 pm

      True story – my friend, who is ACTUALLY a doctor, tells me that half a tablet of those yellow pills we take for flu is actually harmless, she recommends sedating children for a fuss-free long haul flight. For real!

  • Reply suen June 10, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    power elder brother la

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2011 at 5:39 pm

      Just like you, hahah

  • Reply Min June 10, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    Ahhh… I can sooo identify! See, I used the cry-it-out method and it worked. *For a while* Becos of late I realised her self-soothing methods were NOT things I like, shall not go further. So lately, I’ve also been sleeping next to her for abt 2 hrs till zzz monster hits her. It is abt the duration hb returns home & hits the bed :( Now that I’m a SAHM, ditto for aft naps! :( I was hoping it will be easier 2gether with didi next time.. yr entry tells me otherwise!! SIGH! Please do update when you hit the jackpot “)
    Min´s last post ..In Front of the Easel

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2011 at 5:41 pm

      Well, technically it IS easier, they can entertain themselves and play their whole naptime, but toddlers with lack of sleep tend to be..

  • Reply Ellen June 11, 2011 at 6:19 am

    Hilarious. I love your kids. They crack me up every time. I’d love to hear how this pans out. Sleep-training sucks, it really does. I have trouble with one, I can’t imagine it with two plotting against me…
    Ellen´s last post ..Grocery shopping stress-free- thanks to Fred Meyer’s Kiddle Playland…

  • Reply Susan June 12, 2011 at 4:29 pm

    Good luck with the sleep training. I’ve sort of given up and just lie with Sophie to sleep and sneak off after she’s asleep. Though it’s not helping with the independent sleep, I remind myself that she’s not going to want her sleeping with her in time to come…

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