kids in motion

Things that happened

Here’s what we’ve been up to lately.

Baby Theo learnt to sit up unassisted. He’s been practising with his bumbo but he ditched it in favour of sitting on the couch like a big boy. At first, he was a bit tentative, like “is this how this sitting thing is done? Don’t fall over, don’t fall over, don’t fall over…”

is this how you sit?

And then he got more comfy and confident.

sitting up

And then he really got into it. “Is this what big people do all day? Sitting around watching stuff and eating stuff? I could totally be into that.”

having fun

And then he was all like “okay…this sitting around thing is so overrated.”


What’s up, Theo?

Nothin’, I’m just sitting here chillin’.


We finally attempted a meal out in public with 4 kids, and by we, I mean me and the husband – the only person in the world who is crazy enough to attempt something like that with me. He made his scrunchy eyebrow face when I suggested “hey, let’s bring all the kids to the airport for dinner”, which is basically husbandspeak for “what, are you crazy?” But then he immediately followed it with words along the lines of “okay, let’s do it. I’ll do the crazy with you.”

The husband is my voice of reason but he knows that these crazy ideas in my head don’t go away quietly by themselves. And talking them out doesn’t really work either so he lets me try them to realise on my own how insane the idea was in the first place and I’d be all “ok that was a bad idea, let’s not do it again.” The best part is that he actually does it with me even though he knows it’s going to be a total disaster and then he gets the satisfaction of watching me eat my words.



Why? Let’s see. There’s Finn, a human hurricane who needs one dedicated adult eyeballing him at all times. This kid has no regard for danger and for someone with tiny legs, he is ridiculously fast. There’s also Theo, who lacks mobility but he has to be carried all the time and he is starting to weigh as much as a small bear holding a bowling ball. When I’m carrying him these days, my brain stops working because all that energy is going into making sure he doesn’t fall out of my arms. Tru and Kirsten are like wild cards. They sometimes double up as Finn-catchers when he starts bolting but they have the awareness of a squirrel and usually when they start chasing after Finn, they forget that their mission is to subdue him so midway through the running, they’re all like “This is a fun game! Let’s run faster and split up in different directions so dad and mom can’t catch us.”

It’s fun, attempting to eat while running after crazy kids and holding a fat baby. Let’s not do that again.

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  • Reply Pris October 21, 2014 at 3:57 am

    Theo is seriously SO cute! Actually all your kids are mega cute, so I can TOTALLY understand why you went for 4 kids! I felt such a pinch of sadness when I read your blog post of stopping at 4. But I salute u for being such a brave Mom and just going for it.

    I can only imagine the scene of catching 3 kids and carrying one, but hey, at least you were at the airport right? And not some mega-crowded shopping mall on a weekend! :) And kudos to your sporting hubby!
    Pris´s last post ..Dear Sammy – 3 years update

    • Reply Daphne October 29, 2014 at 2:12 pm

      Thanks Pris! Haha yeah the airport is the best place for these crazy kids, lots of space for them to run and it’s fairly contained.

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