
Over and out.

Great news! The marble is out, I repeat, THE MARBLE IS OUT. My in-laws are the lucky winners of the super gross family treasure hunt that’s been going on and this is how it all went down. Want to hear it? Sure you do.

Wednesdays are typically the kids’ “midweek party at ah kong and ah ma’s house day”, and this week, I thought of having Truett stay at home with me so I could dissect his poop meself, in the name of parental responsibility and all that. My awesome in-laws were like “it’s ok, we can do it,” and you know me, I’m not one to rob anyone of the joy of partaking in poop treasure hunt. I’m happy to report that yesterday afternoon, they found it, all shiny and round and covered in poop.

Thank you, dad and mom!!

I now declare the poop hunt officially over. And it’s only day 3.5 out of 7. I was prepared to do this for 7 days and I only had to do it for 3. That’s some serious discount we’re talking. It’s like setting aside money to pay full price for your favourite bag, then to find it on sale for half the price. Now you’re like, I have all this extra money, what should I do with it?? Except now I have all this extra faeces-free time to to all sorts of non-faeces related things.

Also, I think I’m done talking about poop. It’s been less than no fun while it lasted.


Hang on, it doesn’t seem right to leave a post like this, talking about not wanting to talk about poop. One time, I was reading The Graveyard Book before bed and that night, I tried to force yourself not to think about cold-blooded murderers hunting for tiny babies as I fell asleep but that was all I thought about the entire night. (Do not recommend! To clarify, the book was fab, but the timing, exceptionally poor.)

Moral of the story? Always remember to neutralise your brain with adorable cat videos on the internet before going to bed.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a cat, but I do have a baby who’s growing up far too fast for my liking and he’s as good a brain neutraliser as any.

Here’s Finn to wrap things up today, over and out.

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