how i pretend to be a cool mum

Swashbuckling fun

For some reason, my kids really love playing pirates. Since the first pirate set my sister got for them from France, they’ve amassed all sorts of other pirate toys. Tru has this gruff, piratey voice whenever he’s in character and he goes “Truett pirate, aaarrgghh!”

This pirate book, which my mom got from Borders in Melbourne during her last trip, brings storytelling to a whole new level.

The storybook was ok (it got a little rambly at times), but the awesome part was that it came with lots of tiny little cut-out characters so you could reenact your own pirate story if you didn’t like the original one. I have a thing for paper cut-out characters, I’m nerdy that way.

Usually, I make do with telling them stories without any props but it was really fun to have all the pirate figures hold tiny swords and jump around while I made up crazy pirate tales for a change.

Well, maybe I had a lot more fun with it than the kids because halfway through, they got really bored from not being able to touch the fragile paper cut-outs and went on a rampage. One of my little pirate boys lost a leg in the process and I had to make them sit in their baby chairs while I told the story from 3-feet away.

Because it’s made of paper, the cut-outs are rather flimsy and they topple easily so usually by the time I set up all the characters in position, they either get blown away by the wind or trampled to death by my 2 Babyzillas. But hey, that gives a new twist to the story when I’m all out of plot ideas.

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  • Reply Jus September 7, 2010 at 10:57 am

    That book looks amazing! :) Perhaps you could send the little cut-out people for laminating? Kids + cardboard = Tearing!
    Jus´s last post ..Thankful Tuesdays- The glass is half-full

    • Reply Daphne September 10, 2010 at 12:13 am

      Jus, you saw the comment below? WHOLE BOOK FOR TWO DOLLARS.

      I think the lamination would be at least $10 bucks!!!

  • Reply Judith September 7, 2010 at 4:44 pm

    Is this a good time to tell you? I saw this SAME pirate book at a $2 warehouse sale Times held last week. I loved it, but decided not to get it since my nearly 2yr old would destroy it faster than I can say AHOY THEAR MATEY.
    Judith´s last post ..4 Things I Love about Motherhood

    • Reply Daphne September 10, 2010 at 12:18 am

      but..but..but its only TWO BUCKS! OMG!

      • Reply Judith September 13, 2010 at 1:06 am

        I know..I picked it up twice and put it back, reasoning that Micah would just destroy it too fast. Felt SO dumb after seeing the book here.Sigh.
        Judith´s last post ..4 Things I Love about Motherhood

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