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Ready, Set, Transform

I’m at the halfway mark of the Melbourne trip and I’m starting to feel bummed about having to go home soon so I’m trying not to think about it too much. Still 4 more days to go and lots more places to visit.

I’ll be updating those experiences over the next few days but for now, here’s something that I was working on before I left for the trip. It’s a campaign by Olay to film 6-part series called Olay Project 360, where 4 bloggers and 4 contestants came together to undergo some serious transformation. What sort of transformation, you ask? I’d tell you but that would take the fun out of it, so you’ll just have to watch till the end.

Despite the fact that I’m not the girly swoon-over-make-up sort and cameras make me deeply uncomfortable, I decided to do it because my mantra in life is to try anything once. Well, anything that does not involve me being eaten by sharks or wild animals. The husband says it’s a ridiculous mantra to have but it’s worked for me the past 29 years and I’m sticking with it.

Wendy was the host for the show and the other 3 bloggers were Valerie (Miss Singapore Universe 2011), Qiuqiu and Scarlett. They’re all so very girly but also very sweet and insanely hilarious. It was the most girl bonding I’ve done in the past 3 years, talking about skincare, make up, dresses and shoes all day for many days.

So being what they call a mature blogger (thanks, you guys, I’m going to stab someone in the thigh), I was introduced the Olay Regenerist range. It’s supposed to delay the visible signs of aging so I continue to look like I’m 24 for the next 10 years. Or something like that.

To give you an idea of how the shoot went, I’m just going to post excerpts of the highlights from my mental journal.

We’re supposed to give ourselves a group name and ours is O-YEAH, complete with eye-hand-gesture. For the record, this is causing me physical pain but I’m doing it in the name of solidarity. 

The husband is never going to let me live that down. Ever. When I’m 65, he’ll play this video for the grandkids and and they will all fall off their chairs laughing. 

Every single girl on this show has false eyelashes on. I do not even possess the ability to put on false eyelashes. 

Ok seriously, being girly is SO MUCH WORK. 

Now we’re playing charades. How am I supposed to sign Luminance and Radiance? Can’t I have words like butterfly? I can do an awesomesauce butterfly sign. 

I can also do lion, giraffe and elephant. Kind of.

I hate charades. If I ever lose the ability to speak, I’m getting a pen and notebook. 


Anyway, here’s the video if you want to watch it. You should though – it’s going to cheer you up if you’re having a bad day at work or just kind of like bored. It’s incredibly mortifying seeing myself on video but you should go watch it just so you can point and laugh.

You’re welcome.

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  • Reply Uncle Toh September 15, 2011 at 11:25 am

    I’m thinking of how to react to the video, and the best I can come up with was…

    HA HA HA

    • Reply Daphne September 19, 2011 at 9:19 pm

      Thanks ah! Always happy to oblige and glad you’re enjoying it so much.

  • Reply qiu xian September 15, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    I don’t know what possessed me but I went to sign up for the audition. Because I had the same mantra as you so I thought what the hell right… Erm I guess not ;p

    • Reply Daphne September 19, 2011 at 9:20 pm

      It was actually more fun than I thought but at least now I know for sure that I’m not a TV person.

  • Reply Ai Sakura September 15, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    hahaha you were so cute doing the group hand movements with the other girls! at work now so can’t turn on the audio but still.. cute :)
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Jelly Mooncakes

    • Reply Daphne September 19, 2011 at 9:21 pm

      Ok I’m never going to live that down. Sighhhhh

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