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Pregnancy Teeth Revisited


It’s been over 2 weeks since my brutal dentist check up and if there’s anything good that came out of that excruciating experience, it’s an increased sense of dental paranoia awareness. Apparently fear is extremely effective as a deterrent so I’ve been extra diligent with my oral care in the hope that my next check up will be less terrifying.

For starters, I’m brushing and flossing my teeth 3-4 times a day instead of twice. I try to do it after every meal, and if not, at least an extra time in the afternoon.

I’ve also switched from my regular toothbrush to the Colgate SlimSoft toothbrush. This is one product that nailed the name because I was actually quite surprised by how slim and soft (heh!) the bristles are. Each tapered bristle tip is literally 0.01 mm thin and the softness means that it feels a lot less painful on my sensitive pregnant gums. And thinner bristles mean that there’s room for more bristles, which in turn, will be able to touch and clean more teeth.

So the result is a deeper yet gentler clean.

Most noticeably, my gums have stopped bleeding as much. From the start of this pregnancy, my gums have been bleeding almost every day but over the past 2 weeks, I’ve only had 2-3 times of gum bleeding. Which is quite impressive given the increased frequency of brushing.

On the topic of teeth-brushing, I’ve been teaching the kids proper brushing techniques so here’s what they’ve been learning.

And yes, they’ve hijacked my SlimSoft toothbrushes even though it’s a little too big for their baby teeth. I was doing a comparison with their kid toothbrushes and they were like “WOW SO SOFT, IT’S MINE NOW!”

Looks like I’ll be getting a couple more of these babies. And by babies, I mean toothbrushes, not actual babies, aight? Just so we’re clear.

To wrap up, Colgate is having a Finale Party at The Arts House on 30 June and I’ve got 10 invites to give away. It’s a gorgeous venue (incidentally, it’s also the place I got married) and it’ll be a nice, cozy afternoon get-together. If you’d like to get your hands on an invite, just sign up by filling up the form below.

Venue: The Arts House, Living Room
Time: 3-5.30pm
Date: 30 June , Saturday       

This is part 2 of a series of sponsored conversations on behalf of Colgate. All opinions and text are my own.

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  • Reply Rin July 1, 2012 at 4:27 pm

    Hi Daphne,

    it was nice meeting you & your family in person yesterday at the Colgate event. I still cant stop mentioning how lovely & cute Truett and Kirsten are! ^^

    Thanks for giving me a chance to join the party, and also to meet you. Will continue to follow you blog =)

  • Reply There’s no party like a Colgate party — MOTHER, INC. July 16, 2012 at 5:05 pm

    […] giveaways reviews ads Remember the Colgate Slim Soft Bloggers Party that I was talking about a couple of weeks back? That happened 2 weekends ago and congrats to those […]

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