Funny or So I think, side effects of motherhood

Who’s afraid of a little red guy with a big mouth?

When I first got my hands on the iPhone, I resolved not to let my kids play with it, knowing that they are likely to chuck it, smash it, dunk it in water and basically make me regret ever letting them touch it in the first place.

But kids, they have a sixth sense for all the things they are not allowed to touch and you know how it is. After a day of constant badgering, I finally surrendered my spanking new phone. Also, I heard other parents raving about how incredible some of the apps are, with its educational and keeping-kids-quiet capabilities. I was mostly sold on the second part.

Once they got it, they proceeded to submerge it in water and use it as a weapon of destruction just as I expected but I suppose I only have myself to blame for it. Although that’s not really the point here.

The point is that in the process, I also discovered that the phone was truly unparalleled in its ability to prevent meltdowns. Every time I saw a tantrum coming, all I needed to do was pull out my trump card and… instant silence. I know, I can practically sweep best parenting awards with this move. Stop judging me.

It’s not like I don’t try other methods. My car is filled with different toys to keep them quiet but each one usually lasts for 60 seconds tops before it gets flung out of the baby seat. Even daddy’s Omnia doesn’t make it past the 5 minute mark. It’s like they know it’s inferior.

With the phone, baby girl watches Youtube quietly on the go and Tru, he’s addicted to ALL the games. He can fiddle with the phone for a whole hour straight reading Dr Seuss, singing the Wheels of the Bus and playing that spelling game he’s getting quite good at. He’s also got a signature move to go with it, where he grips the phone with his left hand, sucks his right thumb and uses his pinkie to navigate the phone. That boy redefines the meaning of badass.

Recently, we’ve been trying to figure out a way to reduce Tru’s playing time. Every time I tell him time’s up, he goes all screamy on me and he’s like “forget it mom, you’ll have to pry this from my grip of death”.

Until yesterday, that is. Tru was with me at the wet market, seated in his stroller with phone in hand while I was trying to do my marketing when he suddenly threw down the phone and unleashed the mother of all screeches. Everyone within a 5 meter radius turned to look and we were all trying to figure out if he was injured or something. I couldn’t find anything wrong with him and he was crying too badly to explain. Eventually, I figured it out. The source of the distress: Talking Carl.

Let me qualify by saying that I got this app because it was highly reviewed by one of the Mac sites. This little guy supposedly repeats everything you say with a hysterical voice and it is claims to be able to provide me with hours of peacefulness. Apparently, my son disagrees. Turns out, it’s his greatest nemesis. He’s terrified out of his skin and freaks out completely whenever he so much as sees the icon of Talking Carl. He also made me throw the app away, which I was forced to do immediately.

I was sure he was overreacting and it was one of his bizarre quirks. Then I saw this clip and it all made sense.

*For best results, crank up the volume or use earphones.

Talking Carl from yann le coroller on Vimeo.

I’m sure this violates some parenting theories but I’m totally getting the app back on my phone for the next time he refuses to stop playing. I’m all about results.

What are your meltdown-prevention methods?

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  • Reply lazymummy May 31, 2010 at 10:28 am

    Mine is simple, pacifier, her beloved duck blankie and the wonderful MP4.

    Barney, Pocoyo, Mickey Mouse clubhouse work wonders for a TV addict.
    .-= lazymummy´s last blog ..Where’s the coin? =-.

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2010 at 12:21 pm

      @lazymummy, Chloe has a duck blankie too?? I think its probably the same as the one Kirsten has. From Goldbug or something right?

      Hey those shows are all among truett’s top 5 favourites…

      • Reply lazymummy May 31, 2010 at 3:21 pm

        It’s not from goldbug but it’s similar. She only adores her duck blankie, I bought the same kind but in bear and she didn’t want it.

        Does Truett likes Agent Oso, Wordworld & Tweenies too?
        .-= lazymummy´s last blog ..Where’s the coin? =-.

        • Reply Daphne May 31, 2010 at 3:52 pm

          @lazymummy,he LOVES agent Oso! I must say, the jingle or whatever you call it is very catchy “Oso special!! dum dum dum..” Wordworld is ok and tweenies? Never heard of that!

          • lazymummy May 31, 2010 at 4:49 pm

            Chloe will get anxious whenever they left 5 secs to finish the task and will cheer when they managed to do it (which is like every single time).

            Tweenies is by BBC, my mum bought the vcds….honest opinion, I think they look ugly but they speak proper English and Chloe loves the songs….so well…
            .-= lazymummy´s last blog ..Where’s the coin? =-.

          • Daphne May 31, 2010 at 5:12 pm

            @lazymummy, Thanks! Ya they’re quite ugly, kinda reminds me of Teletubbies.

            I’m going to cancel my SCV so have to rely on VCDs/DVDs very soon.

  • Reply Tin May 31, 2010 at 12:15 pm

    Like yours, mine is also the iphone. It works wonders! We finally get to have our meals at peace with the iphone to distract the kids. Haha… but of course we are also regreting in the process.
    .-= Tin´s last blog ..Life of a SAHM =-.

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2010 at 12:22 pm

      @Tin, the iPhone is an absolute life-saver. Btw, do you have any good apps, Youtube videos, etc to share?

  • Reply Jus May 31, 2010 at 2:48 pm

    Its the iPhone for us too… it comes out whenever nothing else seems to work during mealtimes etc. Just showing him videos of himself, or playing “Peekaboo Barn” keeps him occupied for abit! But it also means the phone gets sticky with oatmeal… eeks!
    .-= Jus´s last blog ..Weekend wanderings: The unwired life =-.

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2010 at 3:16 pm

      @Jus, Wow, seriously I feel much better about myself now knowing that your kids are heavy iPhone users too (haha), since the forums were all like “why would you pay a bomb for a high-tech device and allow your toddler to smear his greasy fingers all over it?”.

      I’ve just replaced my screen protector and got a new cover due to “wear and tear”. Mind you, I’ve only had it for less than six months.

  • Reply sunflower May 31, 2010 at 4:21 pm


    Don’t worry, you definitely not alone. I come three. Yvette likes all the applications on iPod and this is a must have before her bedtime now. Luckily I hardly let her watch TV, so her time spend on these high-tech device is only ipod for now.

    Applications we are using and Yvette like alot are:

    1. Ladybug – a song
    2. Animal Fun
    3. Singkids
    4. Bus
    5. ICME Lite
    6. FW Deluxe – This is a very good application to learn word and spelling. (Try the free version if you don’t have it.)
    7. Alphabet
    8. IWriteWords – This is good for pre-writing
    9. Kidztory 4 – The Three Little Pigs
    10. Kidztory 2 – The Boy who Cried Wolf (Yvette’s favourite)
    11. Kidztory 5 – The Liong and the Mouse
    12. Tap & Sound
    13. Action

    Of course we have more that what I stated above. 3 pages of applications all for Yvette and month to date, we only buy applications for Yvette and haven’t spent a single cent for ourselves.

    Other than ipod, we have give sweet. This sound bad but it really a way out for us.

    Talking Carl <<< I never download this although I read about good rate. After reading this post, I shall never download this for Yvette.
    .-= sunflower´s last blog ..Nap, Yvette Nap… =-.

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2010 at 4:58 pm

      @sunflower, nice list! Bus is his favourite and we also have FW deluxe. I shall check out the rest.

  • Reply Fang May 31, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    We discovered what a life-saver the iPhone and iTouch was on our HK trip last year…we kept the girls (2 of them with their cousins!) quiet by surrendering the phone to them and consoled ourselves that they were learning phonics, shapes, words, mathematics, and all things techy -saviness through the iPhone. I still believe in the goodness of iPhone :)

    Could you share which educational apps you have?

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2010 at 5:00 pm

      @Fang, ok Truett hasn’t gone through all of them but these are what I have (Besides bus and FW deluxe)

      1. Baby Flash Cards
      2. Dex Animals
      3. Toddler Time! 2
      4. Cooking Mama
      5. Dr Seuss ABC
      6. Dr Seuss The Lorax
      7. Cat in the Hat
      8. ABC Animals
      9. Animatch
      10. When I grow Up
      11. Match for Kids
      12. Color me!

      As your girls are older I’m not sure if they’re entirely suitable though they do have varying difficulty levels. Cooking Mama is fun but not really educational, unless you consider it Home Economics? haha.

      • Reply sunflower June 1, 2010 at 1:23 am

        @Daphne, We have Dex Animal too but Yvette deleted it. Sometimes I feel Apple should set some security over this function. :(
        .-= sunflower´s last blog ..Nap, Yvette Nap… =-.

        • Reply Daphne June 1, 2010 at 10:20 pm

          @sunflower, Hey I agree lei. If they hold down that centre button they can delete any app they want – for good.

          iPhone needs to have a childlock!

  • Reply Momo June 1, 2010 at 3:36 pm

    Hey! Who’s judging you? Lol, Bean has HIS OWN iphone.

    He hates talking carl too. But he loves everything else. We can’t eat anywhere without it.

    • Reply Daphne June 1, 2010 at 10:19 pm

      @Momo, you too?? I’m not sure if Apple is aware of its impact in this particular market.

      It’s gotten to the point where my 3G plan is practically unused since he’s on the phone more than I am. Just today he drained the battery entirely and I was uncontactable for a good two hours.

  • Reply shuey June 2, 2010 at 12:41 am

    Well, I occupied my elder one sometimes with my outdated Omnia phone. I am still thinking if I should change my phone to Iphone due to that my elder one has already given a good “crack” line on my Omnia and he has also successfully turned his daddy’s Nokia phone to speaking-via-headphone only mode.
    .-= shuey´s last blog ..Hair Cutting =-.

    • Reply Daphne June 2, 2010 at 12:43 am

      @shuey, Hahaha. I think you can go ahead and get the iPhone but encrust it inside a bullet-proof water-resistant crystal case or something.

  • Reply YH June 2, 2010 at 11:47 am

    FYI. if u accidentally delete an app, just download it again n it will prompt u that u have purchased it before and just click ok to download again for FREE. So no worries, just keep a list of the good app that u want to download if your kids delete it again.

    • Reply Daphne June 2, 2010 at 1:37 pm

      @YH, Oh seriously I had no idea. Wanted to check but didn’t have the time to do the research. Thanks for the heads up!

      • Reply YH June 2, 2010 at 2:24 pm

        I got to know this bcos we have 2 iPhone n my 2 children fighting over each other to play the same app so we download another set so that they don’t have to fight.

        • Reply sunflower June 3, 2010 at 2:21 am

          @YH, I tried but my iPod, it does not prompt me I have purchased it before. It ask me to buy now?
          .-= sunflower´s last blog ..The Rash Never Go Away =-.

          • YH June 3, 2010 at 12:26 pm

            @sunflower, Not very sure about ipod cos I dont own a ipod but when on my iphone when I click on BUY NOW and key in my password, it will go into a download screen but it will stop downloading and prompt me that I have purchased it before and I can download for free. Just click ok to download.

          • sunflower June 3, 2010 at 9:48 pm

            @YH, Honestly, I don’t dare to try. My niece confrimed this is true for iphone. Well, perhaps next time if this happen again cos I have FW deluxe which about the same as Dex Animals.
            .-= sunflower´s last blog ..The Rash Never Go Away =-.

  • Reply YH June 2, 2010 at 12:09 pm

    Also there are 2 liquid indicators on the iPhone. 1 on the part where u plug in your headphone n another one is where u plug in your charger. If u take a torch light n shine on them u should see a tiny white colour indicator. But once it touches water, the white indicator will turn red n there it goes your warranty will be gone.

    • Reply Daphne June 2, 2010 at 1:28 pm

      @YH, I learned about the water indicators the hard way. After Kirsten dunked my phone Singtel offered to replace it – for $350.00. I was like kirsten what have you donnnnnnne.

      I managed to find via the forums this dude who replaced my LED screen for $160. His “office” was in a shady HDB 4-room apartment, and I was greeted by his middle-aged mother in silk garments at the door. True story.

  • Reply lilsnooze June 2, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    Siigh, iphone..and the PSP preloaded with CARs and Kungfu Panda.

    • Reply Daphne June 2, 2010 at 10:36 pm

      @lilsnooze, Wow Nat isn’t three yet and he’s on the PSP?? Guess I better get ready.

  • Reply tumbleweeed June 3, 2010 at 12:58 am

    hey, my son loves Talking Carl cos he loves poking him in the eye and is tickled silly by Carl echoing every single thing he says! hahaha… Your son might like Carl at a later age i think. :-)

    • Reply Daphne June 3, 2010 at 10:34 am

      @tumbleweeed, Yah i think so. I haven’t tried redownloading the app, hopefully there isn’t an expiry date to that.

      I think he just got a shocked when Talking Carl became YELLING Carl suddenly.

  • Reply San June 3, 2010 at 2:07 am

    Talking Carl? Oh gosh, he’s my boy’s FAVE app! LOL!

    At first he was tickled by it, now he tries to outscream it. All. The. Time.
    .-= San´s last blog ..“City Harvest Church Members Rally” =-.

    • Reply Daphne June 3, 2010 at 10:37 am

      @San, I think Jayvon is about six months older? I think I will reintroduce Truett to this *wonderful* app when he’s about his age then.

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