Funny or So I think, side effects of motherhood

Its reining cats and dogs

Part of my idea of providing a holistic educational experience for the kids includes bringing them out to learn through exposure. I try to bring them down for walks around the neighborhood couple times a week. And I show them stuff like flowers, benches, playgrounds, bugs, sand and all.

If you must know, Tru’s getting really good at identifying objects and colors so I’m giving him an A+ for my course on Naming Objects 101.

Now I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff, including that one time when a dude squirted milk out from his eyes. But this makes it easily into the top 10.

Warning: This may not be safe for work.

um, what?

No, I’m not referring to Britney because that’s obviously badly photoshopped in so that I don’t get hate mail from the cat-walker lady. Please draw your attention, however, to the animal on the left hand side.

So, as usual, Tru was naming all the objects like he was teaching me.

Tru: Mom-myyyy…

Me: Yes, sweetie?

Tru: See dog!

Me: No, that’s actually a cat.

Tru: No, dog.

Me: No, CAT. Say cat, baby.

Tru: Mommy, DOG.

Me: Ok fine, you win. It’s a dog.

My parenting philosophy is to NOT teach my kids stuff that’s clearly wrong. So if I insist that it’s a cat, I’d be saying that it’s alright to leash a cat and if he grows up to be a crazy cat-leasher, it’ll be traced back to me. Because I mean, WHO LEASHES A CAT?

Then I casually sneaked up closer to take a photo and the cat unleashed the mother of all hisses at me, which resulted at me grabbing the kids and RUNNING for my life. And I realized, this cat actually deserved to be leashed or maybe it’s so cattish because it’s leashed. Either way, there’s a lesson to be learnt here, which is to stay the hell away from a cat on a leash.

UPDATE: Apparently, lots of people leash their cats and in some places, it’s considered normal. I think this would be a good point to tell you about Hammie. So I have a friend who decided to leash her hamster and bring him for a walk. She scoured the Internet for a hamster leash and when it arrived, she was so excited that she tried it on for him immediately. It was all good and she actually convinced herself that Hammie was enjoying the walk. Two minutes in, some kid ran over Hammie with his bicycle. True story. I suppose the same lesson applies for hamsters too.

UPDATE x2: It’s official, then. Bunnies are the new dogs.

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  • Reply sherin April 17, 2010 at 10:03 am

    lol. i guess it depends on where you’re at. I take my rabbit for walks “hops” on a leash and no one finds it weird. My neighbor brings her cat on walks as well. So far, hamsters are for cages and they hate being leashed btw. :)
    .-= sherin´s last blog ..BBQ time! =-.

    • Reply Daphne April 18, 2010 at 9:44 pm

      @sherin, OMG, for real?? I need a photo, QUICK! I’ll post it as an update so we can all learn about leashing bunnies. I’ve never seen a rabbit being leashed in my life and Tru needs to get even more confused than he already is.

  • Reply San April 18, 2010 at 11:19 am

    What a… totally… fat cat! Gosh! :) I didn’t know cats enjoyed their walks though, and in my limited time, i must say I haven’t seen any cats on leashes! Must not be so “normal” where I am. Either that or I need to go out more? Haha!
    .-= San´s last blog ..Jayvon’s Featured on City News Weekly! =-.

    • Reply Daphne April 19, 2010 at 2:56 pm

      @San, Yes, somehow this one that I saw is really well-trained and kept at “heel” alongside the owner. Quite incredible. And disturbing at the same time.

  • Reply Aca Baranton May 24, 2023 at 6:24 pm

    Wow, I absolutely love your approach to providing a holistic educational experience for your kids! Taking them out for walks around the neighborhood and exposing them to various objects and elements of nature is such a fantastic idea. It’s amazing how children can learn and develop their skills through real-life experiences.
    Aca Baranton´s last post ..How to remove tick from dog with alcohol

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