from around here

Celebrating the 9

We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary last week. 9 years! That’s one way to make a girl feel old.

Although I intend to grow very old with this man so 9 years seems like a tiny blip but truth is, it feels like we’ve been doing this forever and I almost can’t remember what life was like before we got married. It must have been awful. Being married is like finding the one person you like most in the entire world and getting to spend every day with them.

We had something fancy planned last Friday but Finn and Theo were both battling a week-long viral fever that went up to 40.7°, so we had to improvise. That’s ok. We’ll usually accumulate our missed celebrations for the year and celebrate the heck out of all of it when we travel anyway. Instead, we had breakfast at our favourite ban mian stall at the market, and then we managed to sneak in a tea break rendezvous in the afternoon, and then I went to bed at 9.30. We’re such party animals.

I love me some special dates and fancy plans but I think it’s a sign of age because I’m starting to really like the boring breakfasts and short pockets of time we get to have here and there. Perhaps even more so.

The past 9 years turned out to be nothing like what I imagined but somehow, it’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

Happy anniversary, baby.


In other news, Finn is away with my mom to Melbourne for 2 weeks and I miss him SO MUCH. I don’t know what I was thinking letting him leave me for 14 whole days. I may have cried myself to sleep last night while holding his blankie.

Right before he left, he was all “I think I don’t want to go to Melbourne, I want to stay with you, mom…” and I was like “DON’T WORRY, MOMMY WILL CANCEL THE TICKETS!!” But he hugged me and put on a brave face as he said bye and left for the flight. :(

I think parenting makes you do irrational things. It’s only been a day and I’m in withdrawal so bad I’m about to book a ticket to Melbourne just to retrieve him.

I’m never letting him leave me for 14 days again, that’s for sure.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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  • Reply Your sister March 22, 2016 at 12:17 pm

    Hhahaha he’s so cute man. He will come up to me and randomly tell me he loves me. So shiok.

    • Reply Daphne March 22, 2016 at 3:13 pm

      Give him a big hug for me and if he’s sad I’ll come get him!!

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