coolest kids ever

Of April showers and other blustery things

It’s been raining a little more than usual lately and I love rain. Specifically, I love to be snuggled up nice and cosy in my blankie whenever it rains because the only way to enjoy rain is not be caught in it.

My kids love rain too, except they have very different ideas about what to do about it. Every time it rains, they come running to me all dressed up in their rain gear, holding their tiny brollies (which by the way, is so irresistibly cute) and they flash their puppy dog eyes asking if they can go play in the rain. I suppose if I had rain gear as cute as theirs, I’d want to be out in the rain all the time too…hang on, no wait, I think I still prefer the snuggly in bed part.

Sometimes, I can resist one pair of baby puppy dog eyes. On a good day, I can even resist two. But three pairs?!! These guys are killing my uterus.

So we put on our goofy rain faces and went out for some puddle stomping.

goofy rain face

Finn hasn’t got his own rain gear yet so Kirsten was all “it’s ok, Finn Finn can have my raincoat, I’ve got my pretty pink brolly.” This girl is born to be a big sister.

i love rain

what's happening

hold my hand

We walked and walked till the rain stopped and you’d think that it would have been as clear a sign as any that it was time to go home but these kids can continue a rain party without any more rain.

No more water falling from the sky? Look, there’s water on the floor, let’s poke at it with our fingers. Borderline gross but fine, poke away, knock yourselves out. And then baby Finn decided maybe he could attempt to swim in a particularly large puddle.

There’s a line of grossness that one doesn’t cross and that’s mine. This baby is going to need a hazmat suit the next time we go puddle stomping.

boys in the rain

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  • Reply Samm April 14, 2014 at 10:12 pm

    Looks fun playing in the rain! Super cute raingear! Where did you get them?

    • Reply Daphne April 15, 2014 at 11:13 am

      The raincoats are from Hatley (they’re really soft and comfy) and the boots are from Joules. :)

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