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Comic Relief

Comic Relief, lists you should paste on your fridge, unqualified parenting tips

Boys vs Girls: A Scientific Approach

This is a tough one. Traditionally, Chinese have always preferred boys over girls, because they continue the family name and they have bigger muscles to harvest crops out in the field. Girls could only make babies for someone else’s family and if she’s lucky hot enough to snag a rich dude, the parents get a big, fat dowry for all that effort.

These days, we’re a little more enlightened (plus muscles are overrated), so we’re all “boy or girl, it’s all the same.”

But is it though?

1. Playtime means entirely different things.

2. Dresses! Leggings! Ribbons! Hairbands!


3. One word: Hugs


4. Time for some Hokkien lessons: Boys = Boh See Diam (unable to sit still)

So this would make a rock solid case for having girls and all will be well for about 15 years. But then sooner or later, this day will come… and you will have to fight the urge to lock her in a basement. Or invest in a set of carving knives.

Comic Relief

Back to the future

Remember the wooden train set we got for the kids from Florida? We’ve been wanting to get a train table for the kids but like most things, we never got around to doing it so it got archived for a while because it was such a pain to pack.

I finally managed to find a table from Ikea that fits and I’ll be working on it for the next couple of days. The plan is to line the table with a white sheet and draw some trees and grass and other stuff to make a backdrop, then glue down all the tracks to it. I’ll see how that turns out and improvise along the way.

For now, we’re having some fun with it first.

It’s the year 625 AD and a contingent of the King’s army find themselves transported to the future.

Meanwhile in the blue camp…

If this was a fairy tale, I’d tell you that they eventually find that they like it in the future, become friends and live happily every after.

But it’s not and in real life, this is what happens.

The end.

Comic Relief, kids inc

Brothers and sisters

Despite the insanity of having kids back to back, I’m more convinced than ever that it’s really awesome to have a sibling to grow up with. Spacing out the gap is easier on the parents but the bigger the age difference, the tougher it is for them to be best friends. I always wished I had a twin to play with, but having a brother who was a year older was pretty cool too.

As a kid, you can spend 15 minutes fussing over a baby, but after a while, you want to play with kids your age. And when you’re a teenager, it’s not cool when your 7-year-old kid sister wants to tag along on your outings with your friends, especially if you’re going out with a boy you’re trying to impress.

So I’m really glad the kids are taking well to each other.

Top 5 saccharine sweet sibling moments ever.

1. When Kirsten cries, Tru will drop his toys and go over to pat her on the head. It sometimes makes it worse but 100 points for effort.

2. Having them sit down and talk to each other. It’s like they’re having a real conversation.

3. The way baby girl gazes at Tru like he’s the coolest kid she’s ever seen. “That’s my big brother, y’all.”

4. The first thing Tru does when he wakes up is to look for Kirsten and give her a kiss.

5. On a good day, Tru will offer his precious blankie to her for 10 seconds before he grabs it back. I’m working on the duration, but sharing the blanket is a big deal because nobody touches the blanket. Nobody.

Ok, comic time!

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