
Pumping made easier with PIGEON

Exhausting as it is to have a newborn, I’ve really been enjoying nursing baby Hayley. This sweet baby has been latching on like a champ from the moment she was born and breastfeeding her has been such a dream.

The only time she was on the bottle was during the 2 days she spent back at the hospital for her phototherapy treatment, during which I was pumping every 3 hours to keep up my milk supply. Can I just say that I’m really not a fan of expressing milk. It makes me feel like a cow so there’s that, but more importantly, the let down triggers my post natal depression and without my baby to cuddle while I’m breastfeeding, it’s easy to spiral quickly.

But then moms do what moms need to do and there will be times where expressing milk is the only way I get to feed my baby, so my point is that even if one plans to nurse exclusively, a good breast pump is an important friend to have.


So let’s talk about breast pumps.

Before I gave birth, the folks from Pigeon were so sweet to send over a whole bunch of baby essentials for Hayley, including their newest Pigeon Breast Pump Pro. It’s a very compact electric breast pump packed with features like 2 Phase Technology and customisable suctions levels + speeds.

I love that it’s small enough to bring around easily without any fuss. These are all the parts I need when I’m expressing on the go.

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It’s also very quiet, much quieter than the previous breast pumps I’ve tried, without compromising on the suction levels. But I think my favourite feature is the LED monitor with backlight and a timer to let me know how long I’ve been expressing, which is great for those middle of the night pump sessions.

The only drawback is that this only comes in a single pump version, which means I can only do one boob at a time. Still, this makes for a solid back up plan for the occasional times I have to pump when I’m not able to nurse the baby.


I also really like the Newborn Pure skincare range, which is specially formulated to provides a double layer of protection for sensitive newborn skin. It feels light and gentle on the skin while keeping the baby moisturised and protected.


Maybe it’s me, but girls are like extra delicate and I find myself babying Hayley more my rough and tumble boys.

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Also, is this baby 80% Finn or what?? And like 20% Kirsten. :)

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1 Comment

  • Reply Review Hubby January 5, 2024 at 5:39 pm

    Yeah, Pigeon made it easier. I have already listed it to my Best Breast Pump For Working Moms listing
    Review Hubby´s last post ..Best Cheap Noise Cancelling Earbuds

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