a spot of singapore

Flowers would be so much more interesting if they could wiggle

Went to the Sentosa Flowers exhibition last week to admire flowers. To be precise, my mom and the kids went to admire the flowers, we just went along to check out the new Sentosa Boardwalk and have an excuse to get out of the house.

It was kind of like the time we went to the conservatory of flowers in San Francisco. I allocated an entire afternoon to spend admiring the different flowers in bloom but we got there and after 2 minutes, we were having this conversation.

Me: Wow, nice flowers.

Kel: Very nice..and so many different types too.

*extended pause*

Me: They all look the same though. They’re just there not doing anything.

Kel: Flowers should wiggle or something, it’d be so much more interesting to look at them.

Me: I know! At least with animals, you sometimes get to see them doing the naughty-naughty like on the Nat Geo channel.

Kel: Ok, how about I take a picture of you pretending to read a magazine so it looks like we spent an entire afternoon chillaxing with flowers and then go shopping?

We were out of there in 10 minutes and spent the rest of the day at Union Square. True story.

Right, back to the Sentosa Flowers. The boardwalk from Vivo was lovely, with the cool breeze and scenic sea view. If you got tired, you could even hop onto the travelator for a quick rest.

The flowers were ok, considering that I’m not the most discerning flower connoisseur. There were a lot of them in many different colors, which is good enough for me. These days, the most important criteria is whether the kids had fun and as a rule of thumb, they’re happy as long as we’re not stuck at home.

The exhibition should be over by now but you can still go check out the Sentosa Boardwalk. I’d recommend going in the late afternoon but if you’re the commando sort who doesn’t mind the scorching heat, then you can pretty much go anytime you want.

PS. Voting for The Bloggies is closing this weekend and if you completely forgot to vote, that’s ok, I totally forgive you. There’s still 2 more days to do it.

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  • Reply Kam February 18, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    I think we are going to bump into each other real soon – it seems we often headed to the same destinations! Last time was the Pasir Ris Park, this time the Sentosa Flower Festival. We will be going to the Night Safari this week and you have just done it last week. I know there are many choices for us, but still we chose the same place at the same time a few times already!

    • Reply daphne February 18, 2011 at 4:32 pm

      Haha exactly! I think that means we have too few places to go to here. Have a great time at the Night Safari!

  • Reply Boardwalk lovin’ | MOTHER, INC. April 25, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    […] It’s got such a nice ring to it, boardwalk. Like Scorsese’s Boardwalk Empire (love it), Sentosa Boardwalk, and now Changi […]

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