side effects of motherhood

I’m turning out to be the exact opposite of a supermom

Before I became a mother, I had a pretty clear picture of the kind of mom I wanted to be. Calm. Understanding. Fun. Exciting. Not frazzled. Not hung up over cleaning up or eating their peas. Most of all, not naggy. I hated naggy. Every mother I know has a superpower, which is the ability to go on and on incessantly until their opponent is thoroughly worn out.

I didn’t want that power at all.

Then one by one, my ideals got shredded to bits but still, I was cool about turning out to be the exact opposite of THE AWESOME MOTHER I was going to be. I was driven batshit crazy. I started freaking out after Tru spat out every vegetable for 2 weeks straight. All he wanted to eat was rice with egg. Sometimes, just eggs without the rice. I’m pretty relaxed about food but even I know that’s not good. It’s all about expectation management, I told myself. No big deal, just roll with it. I had long given up on being a perfect mom, but my consolation was that at least I wasn’t naggy… yet.

Lately, it’s getting impossible to not nag at the kids. When they’re babies, there’s really no need to nag because they’re not able to follow instructions so you cut them some slack. The real test is when they start intentionally ignoring everything you ask them to do.

At first, Tru had this wonderful phase I like to call the super-duper-helper phase. He actually wanted to do everything I requested because apparently, it was so *fun* to be helpful. It was like having a voice-activated remote control robot. “Tru, help mommy to throw the tissue.” “Tru, turn on the fan.” “Tru, pick up the toys.” The cleanup song worked like a charm and he would round up all the toys neatly into a pile. On retrospect, I should have milked it a lot more.

Now, he’s in the don’t-try-to-con-me-into-helping-because-I’m-not-that-naive phase. I much prefer the previous one. Instead of obliging enthusiasm, I get a flicker of acknowledgement followed by determined nonchalance.

First he pretends he doesn’t hear me and of course I fall for it and repeat myself, this time a little louder. “Tru, can you take off your shoes?” *No response* After 5,000 repetitions, it becomes “Tru, if I have to come over and take off your shoes for you, it’s not going to be pretty for either of us.” That usually works, but it doesn’t help me in the no-nagging department.

Other times, he pretends to act dumb and flashes me the puzzled look, like I really *want* to help you, mommy, but I just don’t understand what it means to pick up my toys.” Nice try, young man. Unfortunately for him, I am in fact the master of that particular move. A slight tilt of the head coupled with a raised eyebrow.

I’m trying to make myself feel better with the idea that nagging is part of the job, like how surgeons have to cut and lawyers have to weasel. Mothers, we’re relentless like that.

Unless you’ve got an idea on how not to nag. Although I’m pretty sure that’s impossible.

kids in motion, kids inc

Kite flying and happy Sundays

Anybody else feels like this year is slipping by way too fast? They say it’s a sign of age, when your days roll into weeks and weeks into months and before you even have time to catch your breath, you’re singing Auld Lang Syne yet again.

For us, weekends are the craziest. Every weekend, we cram in all our errands and family dinners and church services and house cleaning and by Sunday night, we’re more exhausted than we were before Saturday came. Yesterday, we decided to leave the dishes unwashed, the clothes unlaundered, the house in a massive mess and brought the kids to Marina Barrage for a much needed break with a couple of old friends.

Some catch up and kite flying was in order.

The kids got bored with the kites after five minutes so we had to abort mission to bring them for some water play. Can’t blame them though, because I got bored with the kites in half that time.

Also, for my soccer roundup, we scored a magnificent goal in the final 20 seconds against Man City, which only goes to prove that all the money in the world can’t buy class. In fact, all you get is a bunch of whiny, spoilt brats who are more concerned about their summer holidays than playing soccer. The even better news is that Chelsea lost to Spurs so the gap is back to 1 point. 3 games left and Chelsea’s self-destruct button has already been activated. COME ON!

Funny or So I think, side effects of motherhood

Its reining cats and dogs

Part of my idea of providing a holistic educational experience for the kids includes bringing them out to learn through exposure. I try to bring them down for walks around the neighborhood couple times a week. And I show them stuff like flowers, benches, playgrounds, bugs, sand and all.

If you must know, Tru’s getting really good at identifying objects and colors so I’m giving him an A+ for my course on Naming Objects 101.

Now I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff, including that one time when a dude squirted milk out from his eyes. But this makes it easily into the top 10.

Warning: This may not be safe for work.

um, what?

No, I’m not referring to Britney because that’s obviously badly photoshopped in so that I don’t get hate mail from the cat-walker lady. Please draw your attention, however, to the animal on the left hand side.

So, as usual, Tru was naming all the objects like he was teaching me.

Tru: Mom-myyyy…

Me: Yes, sweetie?

Tru: See dog!

Me: No, that’s actually a cat.

Tru: No, dog.

Me: No, CAT. Say cat, baby.

Tru: Mommy, DOG.

Me: Ok fine, you win. It’s a dog.

My parenting philosophy is to NOT teach my kids stuff that’s clearly wrong. So if I insist that it’s a cat, I’d be saying that it’s alright to leash a cat and if he grows up to be a crazy cat-leasher, it’ll be traced back to me. Because I mean, WHO LEASHES A CAT?

Then I casually sneaked up closer to take a photo and the cat unleashed the mother of all hisses at me, which resulted at me grabbing the kids and RUNNING for my life. And I realized, this cat actually deserved to be leashed or maybe it’s so cattish because it’s leashed. Either way, there’s a lesson to be learnt here, which is to stay the hell away from a cat on a leash.

UPDATE: Apparently, lots of people leash their cats and in some places, it’s considered normal. I think this would be a good point to tell you about Hammie. So I have a friend who decided to leash her hamster and bring him for a walk. She scoured the Internet for a hamster leash and when it arrived, she was so excited that she tried it on for him immediately. It was all good and she actually convinced herself that Hammie was enjoying the walk. Two minutes in, some kid ran over Hammie with his bicycle. True story. I suppose the same lesson applies for hamsters too.

UPDATE x2: It’s official, then. Bunnies are the new dogs.